Affiliate link setup

If you're interested in submitting a paid product on Notion Array, you're required to enlist us as an affiliate.

This implies that we'll receive 25% of every sale. Utilizing a Gumroad affiliate link will automatically deduct the 25% fee from each purchase completed through our website.

#1: In order to add us as an affiliate, you need to go to Gumroad, click on your name and hit “Affiliates”.

#2: Next, you click on “Add affiliate” in the top right corner.

#3: Fill out the affiliate form as seen below. Make sure you add “” in the e-mail section. Pick your product. Set affiliate fee to 25% and hit “Add affiliate”.

#4: From there, you find the product and hit “Copy link” and paste that link into the “Gumroad affiliate link” in the submission form.

If you need for anything else, help, please e-mail to

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